Get to know Fee Langstone: Brad Alcorn

What do you think sets FL apart from other firms?

The people.  Fee Langstone has a wealth of experience across a broad range of legal matters, but it is the manner in which we use that experience that is so beneficial to our clients.  We provide clear, pragmatic and proactive advice and assistance to our clients.  We also have a personable and down to earth approach with helps us build close relationships with our insurer clients and their clients.

If you weren’t a lawyer what do you think you would be doing?

Although I’d like to say professional footballer (the round ball version) or professional snowboarder or F1/WRC driver my “skills” in all of those areas are well below par.  I majored in economics for my BCom, so perhaps something focused on market competition.

Why did you decide to work in the insurance industry?

Like many people in the insurance industry it found me rather than the other way around.  Although some might call that fate as I’m now the third generation from my family to be involved in the insurance industry.  Having worked in the industry for a number of years now I can appreciate how people can come to it without a lot of knowledge about what it has to offer and then never want to leave.  It offers so many opportunities in just the one industry and creates a unique amalgamation of so many different areas from legal, to broking, to technology innovation, to communications, to actuaries.  The list goes on.

What attracted you to working at FL?

At the first firm I worked for we used Jones Fee (now Fee Langstone) for our litigation work.  While dealing with one matter they invited me to attend a court hearing with them.  I found the courtroom environment very interesting and exciting and was also very impressed with the Jones Fee/Fee Langstone team (it helped that they were successful).  So when the opportunity came up to move to Jones Fee/Fee Langstone I took it.

If you could have any superpower what would it be and why?

It’s not really a super power, but rather a superhero – Captain Planet.  Great tights, a green mullet, a catchy theme song (“he’s going to take pollution down to zero”) and a lot of untapped potential for a movie series (Batman, Superman, Spiderman, they’ve all been overdone).